Superstar Rajinikanth turned 70 on Saturday. Large number of supporters and fans gathered outside his home in Chennai wearing T-shirts with brightly embossed image of the actor and his political catchphrases like Ippo Illaina Eppovaum Illai (now or never). On December 3, Rajinikanth announced the launch of his political party in January 2021, ending years of suspense and speculation. Assembly elections are due in Tamil Nadu in April-May next year.
The jubilant fans cut a cake shouting Thalaiva Vaazhga (live long leader) and they distributed sweets to people in many places. Several fans, including women who arrived at his home since early morning to wish him personally were disappointed when they were told that Rajinikanth was not available and his absence was confirmed by his public relations team.
Many supporters offered prayers at temples and some brought prasad for the actor. Aatchi Matram, Arasiyal Matram Ippo Illaina Eppovum Illai, (political/regime change, now or never) and Thalaivarum Mudalvarum Neeye (you are our leader and chief minister) were among the slogans on the shirts of the actor’s supporters.
Fans stuck posters of Rajinikanth at many parts of the city and in the vicinity of his residence in the upscale Poes Garden area. ”The fearless” and “The future of Tamil Nadu” were some of the phrases picked by Rajinikanth’s followers to describe him.
Chief Minister K Palaniswami tweeted wishing the actor a long and healthy life. DMK chief MK Stalin spoke to the actor over phone and wished him. BJP national general secretary and party in charge of
Tamil Nadu, CT Ravi were among others who wished him.
”#HappyBirthdayRajinikanth” was the top trend on Twitter today. His supporters also used a common display picture on social media to symbolise his evolution from an actor into an adored top star. Born Shivaji Rao Gaekwad on December 12, 1950 he was christened ‘Rajinikanth’ by ace Tamil filmmaker K Balachander in whose 1975 film ”Apporva Raagangal” the actor made his debut in a supportive role.