CHENNAI: A 22-year-old woman from Vyasarpadi staged a kidnap drama to extract Rs 50,000 from her mother to spend lavishly with her boyfriend. But police called her bluff after scanning CCTV camera footage from the locality.
The woman and her boyfriend were summoned to the police station and let off after they gave an undertaking. Later, she was allowed to go with her parents.
Kavitha (name changed) rang up her mother on Thursday night and alleged that she was kidnapped by a gang and that the gang demanded a ransom of Rs 50,000 for her safe release.
She also alleged that the abductors snatched her mobile. Kavitha also insisted that her mother hand over the cash in person to get her freed from the kidnappers.
After she disconnected her call, her mother alerted the city police control room and informed them about the kidnap of her daughter. Meanwhile, a police team used some strategies to reach the kidnappers. They tracked the mobile tower location and traced it to Poonamallee.
Police later ‘rescued’ the woman from Malayambakkam on Vandalur-Minjur Outer Ring Road (ORR). They brought her to the police station.
During questioning, she told police that some strangers bundled her into an autorickshaw when she was waiting at Koyambedu and the vehicle was headed to some secluded location and she was threatened to part with cash to get released.
The police team collected the CCTV camera footage from the spot where Kavitha alleged that she had been kidnapped.
The police team members found two more women along with their boyfriends arrive at the location on two separate bikes.
They including Kavitha had tea at a restaurant and she took one of the women’s mobile phone and spoke to her mother.
On further questioning, Kavitha told police that she staged the kidnap drama to extract money from her mother to spend the cash with her boyfriend. Following this, police warned and let off Kavitha and her friends.