End up getting your vehicle attached if fine amount is not paid in Chennai – Times of India

Chennai News

CHENNAI: The next time you are caught driving drunk and fail to pay the prescribed fine, you could have your vehicle attached, the traffic police have warned. Warrants will be obtained from courts to attach the vehicles. So far, 263 warrants have been issued, say police.
Not only will the vehicle involved in the offence be attached, but other vehicles belonging to the vehicle owner may also be attached, they add.
An official release said 8,912 drunk driving cases of the 28,000 registered after the implementation of upgraded fine amounts are pending disposal, as many do not turn up to pay the fine despite being intimated on their mobile phones from e-courts.
A special drive conducted to inform violators about the pending cases through call centres will continue in future, said a police officer. Additional Commissioner (traffic) Kapil C Saratkar said police would carry out the threat.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMilAFodHRwczovL3RpbWVzb2ZpbmRpYS5pbmRpYXRpbWVzLmNvbS9jaXR5L2NoZW5uYWkvZW5kLXVwLWdldHRpbmcteW91ci12ZWhpY2xlLWF0dGFjaGVkLWlmLWZpbmUtYW1vdW50LWlzLW5vdC1wYWlkLWluLWNoZW5uYWkvYXJ0aWNsZXNob3cvOTcyNjM5MTkuY21z0gGPAWh0dHBzOi8vbS50aW1lc29maW5kaWEuY29tL2NpdHkvY2hlbm5haS9lbmQtdXAtZ2V0dGluZy15b3VyLXZlaGljbGUtYXR0YWNoZWQtaWYtZmluZS1hbW91bnQtaXMtbm90LXBhaWQtaW4tY2hlbm5haS9hbXBfYXJ0aWNsZXNob3cvOTcyNjM5MTkuY21z?oc=5